Saturday, July 17, 2010

IPGM Kampus Keningau...

It been two weeks I'm in IPG Keningau. Study schedule here is far more different than Uni life. Here is extra ordinary busy; classes start at 7.30am until 6.00pm everyday. Assignment was none stop..oh goshh! Never been so pack like this until my face start to have pimple again..ohh NOOOOOO!! @_@.. Well, what to do? It is like army camp here; producing teacher less than 1 year..People said KPLI teachers is like "Cikgu Mi Maggie". Ok what! "Mi maggie cepat dimasak sedap dimakan"..LOLs!

Nevertheless, the fact is..I like to be here. Never met with fun and sporting lecturer like here before. They were so cool! I like CSK (Ilmu Pendidikan's lecturer) the more. The way he taught was different and I thought it was creative and understood.

I learn many new things here even though it's only 2 weeks of lectures; especially English Language (my major subject). I never bother to pronounce English word in a correct way previously or I don't even care less on the grammar usage. For example word "Almond" should be pronounce as A'mon with the hiding "l". Also actually the meaning of "How do you do?" is "Hello"; means when people ask you "How do you do?", you should not answer "I'm fine, thank you." You should answer back "How do you do" or 'Hello". Interesting isn't it? I can't wait for next class with Mr. David.

Friends? Of course, I have met with many new friends here. All of them is such a good friends. I am glad to be in KPLI TESL group 1. By the way, KPLI TESL was divided into two groups; G1 Minor in Science and G2 Minor in PJK. This KPLI only take about 1 year of study. Throughout this time, I want to make friend with many as I could and be positive with everyone. ^^ Put away the "selfish" word.

Let's create a great memories here! ^^

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome to my blog


I started this blog purposely to share my life here in Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Keningau also to improve my English as I am taking TESL option here. Since 2006 I left student life and entering 3 years working life;now I am back again to experience student life as a trainee teacher here in IPG Keningau.

So, stay tune with me. I will update from time to time! ^^

Adios!! ^_^

Patricia Berlin//KPLI TESL (SJKC)//JUNE 2010//IPG Keningau